Monday, December 15, 2008
195 or JUST SAY NO!

Thursday, December 11, 2008
I was so mad...
As I start to pull forward, and this is no exaggeration, I have to wait for 7 cars to get out of my way.."C'mon people get out of my way!" I can be heard to say outloud. Then I see him. An older gentleman in a green car with his steely white hair going the same direction as I am. "Oh no your not....Oh, YES he did!" He drove right into the spot by the air compressor, parked and started to fill his tires. So, I pulled in next to him, went inside the store, got my DDP for the day, came back and he was still filling his tires....Did I mention that I have only 15 minutes???
I am reaching the 12 minute mark by now, and growing more impatient as the seconds tick by. I go out and stand by my car fold my arms and wait. I am trying to control my thoughts but I am not doing a very good job at it. Then he sees me, our eyes meet and he says,"I see you have a low tire there, can I fill it for you?" I say, "Thank-you, I'd love for you to fill it up for me!"
I am not mad anymore.
Tuesday, December 2, 2008
For all you Blog Readers
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
On another note, my weekend away was heavenly! The phone went off, the hotel was magnificent and the icing on the cake... it was all free! I have been extremely busy since returning Sunday evening, so I promise to post our photos from the trip over Thanksgiving. Can you believe it will be December in a few days? I better stop there or I won't be sleeping tonight!!
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
Let's see....maybe if I commit it to paper (or this blog) I won't forget what I need to do and thus allow me to sleep tonight, a deep and restful coma-like sleep. Ahhhh...Wait! Do you think that if I talk about sleep and have expectations about sleep I won't be able to sleep? I don't know...I really hope not.
My List: (so I can sleep tonight!)
- Download and work Fast Remits
- Verify Insurance
- Demographics
- Follow up with KHS
- Facesheets
- Post
- Close the Day
- Send Bills
- Follow up claims
- Clean all bathrooms
- Vacuum and dust entire house
- Change Sheets
- Finish Laundry (OK that is just Wednesday and Thursday's laundry...who are we kidding here. Laundry is NEVER finished)
- Unload/Load DW
- Sweep and Mop Hardwood
- Sort Coupons ( take with me)
- Alex Eagle Workbook - upload pics, merge files, put in binder, get signatures, get ride to see JJ
- Put away quilting stuff
- Check Diablo's foot today after mishap with quilting needle
- Get dinner started (do this over lunch)
- See if Ethan brought home his BR worksheet, get him going on that
- Put away groceries in storage room, vacuum and dust basement, change cat litter, put a smelly thingy down there....
- Make Calendar for Parents for the next 4 days
- Make Packing List
- Pack
- Email Anna about contract/training
- Send Anna's info by email to Shari, my BFF
- Ask Patrick if he got a massage booked or not
- Meeting with Connie tonight to go over VT changes (take info with me)
- Call Connie to see if she got the email with the changes to be made (break)
- Ethan to scouts
- Check with E-dog to see if he had any homework for scouts
- Find E-dogs slide for his bandanna
- Phone calls (see planner, do over lunch while making dinner)
- Notes written (see sticky note in planner-do on breaks at work...TAKE STAMPS to work)
- Alex to YM
Funny thing, I feel better already. List making is cathartic to some degree, however, it can also be depressing. No elaboration needed here. Is it bad if I have a DC before 6 am?
Oh what is that saying from the movie, Willy Wonka? Something about starshine and greeting the world.. I can't recall it so I will have to remember to ask Landon when he wakes up for Seminary. At least I'm awake and Yikes! Where does the time go when you're having fun? I best get on with my day, there's no turning back now....
P.S. Per Landon, the exact quote from Willy Wonka is "Good morning Starshine, the earth says hello!" Which is what the subtitle of this post has now become. FYI I had my diet Dr Pepper at 6:45 am and on the way way into work an "Energy Vitamin Water. I hope that helps. My eyes are POPPING out of my head already...
Monday, November 17, 2008
Rapunzel, what have you done to your hair?

Friday, November 14, 2008
Sunrise, Sunset

I especially wonder if that lady who gave ME the finger the other day because SHE was texting on her cell phone while driving down the freeway and just about hit ME even noticed? She flipped ME the bird because I happened to honk MY horn before she clipped me.. anyhow. Yes, I know that I am #1! So are you!!! (I just rocked the world for some of you, didn't I) That is beside the point.
I have been lucky enough to sit on a beach in Hawaii and watch the sun slip beneath the waves of the pacific ocean. I have sat on sugar sand beaches in Florida and Mexico and witnessed the sun dip into the Gulf of Mexico. I have seen it set behind the Rocky Mountains of Colorado & Alberta. I have stood on mountain tops in Utah and watched it settle into the evening sky. I have seen it descend into the wheat fields over the plains of Kansas and over the deep, rich soil of Iowa. Each time as I view the gift I am reminded of my blessings.... I woke up today, I am married to a wonderful man, I am a mother.....and the list goes on. Next time you see a sunset, maybe it will fill you with gratitude for your blessings great and small.
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
Money Saving Tips
Friday, November 7, 2008
Things I love...and longing for.

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

I will miss him regardless of our political views. Just last night I wrapped my arms around him and had to go up on my tip-toes to kiss his cheek. The thought came to me how often as a toddler he would reach up and say "Hold you, Mama?" I am growing verklempt just thinking at how quickly those moments in time pass, and how often because we are selfish, we let them slip by without savoring them. It makes me feel old thinking that he is 18 as I can clearly remember what 18 felt like.
For me it seems like yesterday when he was my little buddy, now he is a man. Go forth and Serve, Landon. Make me proud. I love you!!!
Thursday, October 30, 2008
Civic Duty

Monday, October 27, 2008

Tuesday, September 9, 2008
P.S. If you call at 8:45 pm we won't answer the phone....
Monday, September 8, 2008

Wednesday, September 3, 2008
A Daily Scoop
Friday, August 29, 2008

Thursday, August 14, 2008
I had mixed emotions when I waved to Madi as she boarded the bus for Jr High at 7:10 am...she is growing up so fast. I held the tears back and it helped that I had Diablo with me who was a distraction...He cried when Madi got on the bus and I had to restrain him from running after her! It seemed like her years in elementary school were LONG and these next 6 years I know from experience are gone in a blink of and eye. Before I know it she will a SR!
Ethan didn't want us to come to school with him this morning..he thought he could handle it all on his own. Talk about independence! He continues to amaze me with his humorous insight and 10 year old wisdom. Only two more Halloween Costume Parades to go!!
Wednesday, August 13, 2008

We are trying hard to follow the Dave Ramsey program to get ourselves completely out of debt before Landon heads out on a mission in 18 months. But, I need help! I would love your advice and wisdom on how you save money budgeting and particularly how you make your grocery dollars stretch. With the high cost of fuel, most of our "expendable" income goes to that and food. There never seemes to be enough to go around.
Friday, August 8, 2008
Lots to think about...
When I heard of her passing, I immediately had this flash of memories that played like swift movie clips all connected together into one. I saw us walking to primary afterschool, stopping at her house to raid her mother's food storage for koolaid packets and jello that we would eat on the way...I saw us picking flower on the way for our primary teacher...and getting yelled at by the lady whose garden we "borrowed from"...I saw us in Jr High at Basketball practice...then as Football Cheerleaders...the list goes on. Most of all I could hear her infectious laugh playing as the soundtrack.
I cried for her family who lost a brother and a son just a few months past. I cried for her daughters who will not feel the arms of their mother around them. I cried for myself that I wasn't a better friend. It strengthened my resolve to wrap my arms around those I love more often than I do and to tell those I love, "I love you" at every opportunity. Our time here on earth is not our own, I want to live with no regrets.
Monday, August 4, 2008
Vacation come and gone.....
Sleeping Beauty
Landon's Surgery
Sunday, June 15, 2008
Girls Camp
Friday, June 13, 2008
Alex's first Stake Dance
Ethan is 10!
Hair Cloud
Sunday, April 13, 2008
Preparedness Fair
Alex is 14!

Court of Honor

After years and years of patient encouragement and forceful reminders, it is finished! We celebrated Landon's Rank of Eagle Scout with a lovely Court of Honor on Sunday, March 30. We shared the event with Andrew Birkinsha and his family. It was a night to remember in so many ways....lets see.....we sent out announcements stating it was at 6:30 pm...the ward announced it to be at 7 pm. KU was playing Davidson in the elite 8. We weren't sure they would win, but they did...There was torrential rain.....Patrick loaded the van for me, but forgot the cakes...and took out the tablecloths...I had to run home to get them. I prayed for green lights all the way. The trip takes 14 minutes one way..I left at 6:30 and got back at 6:50. Can you tell I am still a little bitter? I couldn't find my camera (someone had packed away my basket with all my stuff in it and I didn't find it until the very end) and this is the only picture I have from the event. At least I have this one. I am just glad it is over.
Friday, February 8, 2008
Madison Turns 12

Madison had a great time turning 12. There was a lot to look forward to. She had a party with the family and then had a friend party with 20 girls at an ice skating arena. They skated for over 2 hours and had a blast.
Madi has more friends than anyone I know. She has this incredible, friendly, compassionate personality that people want to be around. We are certainly proud of the young woman she is becoming.
So, give it up for Madi the 12 year old preteen princess of 116th Street.

Pinewood Derby