These pictures were taken right after the anaesthesiologist did the regional block in his neck. He was sedated and was LOOPY! I got to ask him a bunch of questions that he may or may not remember that he answered for me. Oh, it is good to have leverage!

Landon's surgery went very well. The surgery only took about 1.5 hours. The labrum was torn completely in 2 places which was allowing that piece to float and get caught in the joint. (no wonder it hurt) They were stiched back together and the little pieces that were floating were removed. It was all done laproscopically so just 3 little incisions to heal on the outside. He had a regional block which allowed him to wake up from anaesthesia pain free. He should be able to rest comfortably most of the day without pain meds. We got home about an hour ago and put him to bed. He asked for Chipotle...so we know he's doing ok!
I didn't realize the surgery was this week. For some reason I thought it was at the end of the month. I'm glad things went well and now comes the painful part of recovery. Take it easy Landon
Landon's facial hair makes him look like a man! I'm glad all went well with the surgery and that healing will be managed carefully by Dr. Mom and DAd
That beard is left over from the High Adventure trip to the Boundary waters in Minnesota. It is copper penny red!!! It cracks me up...
Hang in there Land! We're thinking of you and sending our best (and most gentle) loves your way! I wish I coulda got a coupla a questions in while you were Loopy!
The Boundry Waters?! That's where I went back when we did a big trip for our last year of girls camp. It was so fun!
I hope Landon is having a good day and not in much pain. Surgery is such a bugger!!
Take care!
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