I have been putting off writing this post for about a month now. I just don't want to think about the fact that "
ma baby es a ma-an" (said with a strong southern accent for effect) I think it is because one part of me looks at the future and thinks, "have I taught him well enough" to go out into the world and do what is right? Judging by some of our political discussions which have become heated at times, I think not. However, he often-times, suprises me with his caring and compassion for others which then makes me think I've done ok. There are other times when I think "I can't wait for him to be gone" which usually happens after one of our heated political discussions.
I will miss him regardless of our political views. Just last night I wrapped my arms around him and had to go up on my tip-toes to kiss his cheek. The thought came to me how often as a toddler he would reach up and say "Hold you, Mama?" I am growing verklempt just thinking at how quickly those moments in time pass, and how often because we are selfish, we let them slip by without savoring them. It makes me feel old thinking that he is 18 as I can clearly remember what 18 felt like.
For me it seems like yesterday when he was my little buddy, now he is a man. Go forth and Serve, Landon. Make me proud. I love you!!!
I remember the first time I babysat for Landon and he just cried and called out for "Pongo." I had no idea what he wanted. Finally I realized that the name of the dog in 101 dalmations is Pongo! It was a miracle. The second I put in the video he was silent.
Crazy to think that he is so grown up now!
We love you, Landon!
Wow this was a great post. I look forward to Chloe leaving and being independand in mind as well as person and I feel the same way, I pray I have laid a good foundation. You are an amazing mother he will be a great man.
If you think you are feeling old how do you think I feel being a 45 year old Nana. I think you have done a wonderful job with all your children. You are a great example of a supermom.
I couldn't be more thankful to have your example of motherhood in my life. Landon is a terrific man-child and I love you both!
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