We are trying hard to follow the Dave Ramsey program to get ourselves completely out of debt before Landon heads out on a mission in 18 months. But, I need help! I would love your advice and wisdom on how you save money budgeting and particularly how you make your grocery dollars stretch. With the high cost of fuel, most of our "expendable" income goes to that and food. There never seemes to be enough to go around.
I've heard that clipping coupons works really well if you have time to do that. I don't use them myself very often, because Aldi doesn't take them. That's all the advice I have for what it's worth.
I really miss Aldi...
Anyway, I just taught a coupon class for enrichment. I will email my flier to you. You really can save a ton of $ with coupons. It just takes some organization. It is really fun to get the deals at CVS. I just walked out of there with over $50 worth of product yesterday and didn't pay anything! Very fun!
Some good sites are...
www.moneysavingmom.com (She's in Overland Park, I believe)
www.couponmom.com (free lists that match up the sales with the coupons and free ebooks on how to start)
There are a lot more. Usually, I just copy the deals that people list on their blogs. I am amazed with how much time these people seem to have. They take pictures of their purchases and then give detailed explanations. It is great!
My kids are screaming for food, so I need to end this. :) Just email me if you want more info!
Love ya!
I find some great produce on the "discount" cart at the back of the store. As long as you use it quick, I haven't had any problems. This would be handy for you with Landon already at the store several times a week...oh wait, he probably isn't for awhile. It's worth a check when you go.
I've never had luck with coupons but Madi is a great little shopper/organizer, I bet she could tackle alot of the coupon stuff for you, to save you time.
I loved Aldi's when we lived there, have you given in yet? ;)
Crock Pot as much as you can, the less expensive meats do well when cooked low and slow.
Have pop only as a treat when you go out rather than in your house and same with juice, you might have a rebellion on your hands but it really adds up.
That's all I have. Fun to read what everyone else says though.
Darci ~ I notice all the blogger comments about Aldi. I guess its just me but I found Aldi significantly lacking. The particular one I went into was unorganized and didn't have a lot of things I buy. I also know the stigma associated with WalMart. However, I do 100% of my shopping at a Supercenter. And even though I am still a stay-home-mom I ONLY run errands on Fridays. Therefore I only have to fill up our mini-van once per month. Not only do I shop at WalMart, I buy the Great Value brand which is theirs and I clip coupons AND I bring other store ads with me. WalMart will match an ad price from any other store. So not only am I getting the competitors price I'm not wasting gas going from store to store. But also having only two elementary age girls they don't eat a lot. Doing all my secrets I probably only spend $60 a week on actual food items. Mike also does not eat out for lunch - he brings leftovers from home to work. It amazes me how much money the working people go through by going out for lunch. At an average price of $5 per meal and 23 work days per month that adds up to almost $1400 per year spent on fast food!
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