This week went by pretty slow with Alex at scout camp. It was good to see him Saturday afternoon..he was missed. We had about 20 people over that evening for a BBQ so there was no rest for the boy until late.
We have had several new families move into our ward over the past few weeks so we invited a few over for a get to know your ward picnic. The weather was cooperative and we were able to have everyone outside all evening long. Madi was in heaven with babies and toddlers to play with and hold. We had another 2 new families show up this past Sunday so we are growing...I love it!
Alex, you are so handsome!!!
i could hardly look at the picture...there was a wicked bling bling coming off those perfect teeth. Congrats Alex...don't invite TOO MANY girls to feel your teeth...
Flash those pearly whites where ever you go Alex, you are lookin good!
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