One hundred ninety five. I can't believe it....I am still in shock! I happened to open my drawer at work only to find that I had spilled over my collection of pop tabs. I decided out of curiosity to count them. Big mistake, I shouldn't have. One hundred ninety five tabs later, in total disbelief, I put the cup back in my drawer. I drank a lot of DC. I feel really sick right now, but guess what?!!! I just popped another! Chalk that up to 196.
Why do I have this addiction? What is the "root" of it? How can I have drunk all that soda? Why am I drinking another? Why does my mouth water when I pass a QT? Why do I crave that burn? Why, why, why? Will I die of throat cancer? Stomach cancer? Colon cancer? Will I say on my death bed, "I should have known better?"
Does anyone know of a DC rehab center? Can you spell NEW YEAR'S RESOLUTION? I really need to learn how to spell, "NO!"
I hear ya sista. I've got to have my Pepsi everyday. Mike keeps telling me the "bad" things about caffine but if I don't have my fix for the day ya know what they say: if mama ain't happy........
pop chhhhhh
Maybe just maybe, you and Jeff could enter some sort of motivational challenge and leave DC/DDP in both your pasts!
Just embrace it! It is the nectar of the gods and dog gone it is good!! I can think of a lot of worse habits than that.
Lately, I have switched to caffeine free diet dr pepper and I don't notice much of a difference. Every once in a while, though, I just have to have it with the caffeine - like tonight...
I have the same problem, only my drug of choice is sugar. I just can't seem to stay away from the stuff. Oh my!
I think it's the carbonation because I love pop and it doesn't have to be DC. Give me a caffeine free diet DP and I'm good to go, and go and go.
NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO--don't ever give up diet coke. It is my life-line on many days and I would HATE to count how many pop tabs I have.You and me sister will die of some cancer, however, we will have much company! We are not the only addicts.
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