Thursday, October 30, 2008

Civic Duty

Landon and I went this week to the JO CO Election office to cast our advance vote for the upcoming elections. GO MCAIN*PALIN!!!! Congratulations Landon, you are officially a MAN!!
As we were waiting in line, the thought occured to me what a big deal this is...this democracy thing. There are people all over the world who will never experience this, never get a chance to vote for their officials. Yet, so many of us Americans take this for granted. What a shame.... I am proud to be an American! This is a big one, people, so get out there and VOTE!!!

Monday, October 27, 2008


Do you ever just have those days or weeks where all you can do is put out the most dangerous of fires while others still burn in the background? Mine has lasted about 3 months now. It is amazing to me how fast the days are flying by without getting much further ahead. There always seems to be something that comes up that needs my immediate attention diverting my time and resources from that which I want to do. I am the queen of putting out fires, I could be an honorary fire cheif....A fire that burns out of control can be dangerous..regardless of how much water you have. I am still progressing, but in spurts. I have learned how to dovetail my dovetailing and multi-task like nobody's business. But, can you really dovetail time with your family? I am thinking that the Lord would understand if I tatooed "no" on the palm of my hand. Might not be pretty, but it would serve a good purpose to remind me to slow down, to breathe and call for back-up.