Monday, December 15, 2008

195 or JUST SAY NO!

One hundred ninety five. I can't believe it....I am still in shock! I happened to open my drawer at work only to find that I had spilled over my collection of pop tabs. I decided out of curiosity to count them. Big mistake, I shouldn't have. One hundred ninety five tabs later, in total disbelief, I put the cup back in my drawer. I drank a lot of DC. I feel really sick right now, but guess what?!!! I just popped another! Chalk that up to 196.

Why do I have this addiction? What is the "root" of it? How can I have drunk all that soda? Why am I drinking another? Why does my mouth water when I pass a QT? Why do I crave that burn? Why, why, why? Will I die of throat cancer? Stomach cancer? Colon cancer? Will I say on my death bed, "I should have known better?"

Does anyone know of a DC rehab center? Can you spell NEW YEAR'S RESOLUTION? I really need to learn how to spell, "NO!"

Thursday, December 11, 2008

I was so mad...

So, I noticed that my tire was low today when I got to work. There is a gas station about a 1/4 mile down the road and on my break, which is only 15 minutes long, I decided to run down there and fill it. I get there and of course there is this huge landscaping truck parked right where the compressor is. I pull in to a spot waiting for them to leave....5 minutes later they start to move and I think, "Yessss! Its about time, you landscaping people, you."

As I start to pull forward, and this is no exaggeration, I have to wait for 7 cars to get out of my way.."C'mon people get out of my way!" I can be heard to say outloud. Then I see him. An older gentleman in a green car with his steely white hair going the same direction as I am. "Oh no your not....Oh, YES he did!" He drove right into the spot by the air compressor, parked and started to fill his tires. So, I pulled in next to him, went inside the store, got my DDP for the day, came back and he was still filling his tires....Did I mention that I have only 15 minutes???

I am reaching the 12 minute mark by now, and growing more impatient as the seconds tick by. I go out and stand by my car fold my arms and wait. I am trying to control my thoughts but I am not doing a very good job at it. Then he sees me, our eyes meet and he says,"I see you have a low tire there, can I fill it for you?" I say, "Thank-you, I'd love for you to fill it up for me!"

I am not mad anymore.

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

For all you Blog Readers

For all of you blog followers, here is a great blog on Provident Living. I added it to my sidebar since I thought it was so fab! I hope you like it, too!