One hundred ninety five. I can't believe it....I am still in shock! I happened to open my drawer at work only to find that I had spilled over my collection of pop tabs. I decided out of curiosity to count them. Big mistake, I shouldn't have. One hundred ninety five tabs later, in total disbelief, I put the cup back in my drawer. I drank a lot of DC. I feel really sick right now, but guess what?!!! I just popped another! Chalk that up to 196.
Why do I have this addiction? What is the "root" of it? How can I have drunk all that soda? Why am I drinking another? Why does my mouth water when I pass a QT? Why do I crave that burn? Why, why, why? Will I die of throat cancer? Stomach cancer? Colon cancer? Will I say on my death bed, "I should have known better?"
Does anyone know of a DC rehab center? Can you spell NEW YEAR'S RESOLUTION? I really need to learn how to spell, "NO!"