As if there was such a thing...I wish! We have been away on sick leave for the past month. I have had a nasty infection that I've been battling now for 2 months. Now on top of that a lovely bladder infection. I AM NOT EVEN DRINKING DIET COKE!!! I have no idea how that came about. I drink more water than my whole family combined. Maybe I should drink diet coke again.....
Patrick, Alex and Madison all have sinus infections (which is what I started out with early in the year) and are miserable. Landon has bronchitis and has been so, so sick. I haven't seen the boy voluntarily nap for 17 years. He even stayed home again today from school. Can you spell LOTS OF HOMEWORK?
Ethan, wants to be sick so he can stay home from school. Every morning he wakes up and has a sore leg, or sore tummy, or headache. I gave in last week and said, "okay then, stay home!" so he had a fun day calling me every 10 minutes at work asking me a question. Oh the joys.
Here's a warning. Stay away. Even though we are medicated, we are a mess. I am grumpy. The laundry is needing to be done, menus are neglected and bathrooms are gross. I am going to find out if there is a magic pill to make it all better. I will let you know if it can be purchased legally.